English Essay 33

Identify four events in your life that would just have to be in your autobiography so far. Then apply the five W’s to each of them: what, where, when, who, and why. Then add this: how?

The first event that would have to go in my autobiography would be when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. What did I do? I gave my life to Jesus. Where? At my home. When? When I was six. Who? I did it with my Mom and Dad. Why? I did this because I believe that Jesus is God’s son, and came and died on the cross for me and washed all my sins away, and that God is the only God and there are no others. How did this happen? I had been in a Christian home for my entire life, and I believed it.

The second event would have to be when I got my first dog. What happened, where, when, who, why, and how? I had already been very disappointed because we had been through three other dogs before. The first dog a friend gave him to us because they couldn’t keep him, so they gave him to us. He was a stray and the owner called our friend and we gave the dog back. The second dog was a very bad dog and we ended up taking him to the pound. The third dog we bought him from the pound, and then the owner called the pound and we had to give the dog back to the owner. So after much disappointment we bought a dog from a pound and we have now had him for almost three years. This happened because mt family thinks that this is the dog that God wants us to have. I say this was my first dog because we didn’t have any of the other dogs for more than a week.

The third event would be when I was taken to the hospital when I was four. What happened, where, when, who, why, and how? I had a fever of 107 and I remember being brought into the hospital and that I was taken into the room very quickly. There was a nurse trying to take my blood and I would not let him. I was screaming and kicking and then my Dad held me down. I remember being so scared and seeing the blood being drawn out and the nurse showing me my blood saying,”Look how much I took.” I remember being very mad at him, and that I fell asleep soon after that.

The last event is when I visited my friend in the hospital after she had a six hour seizure. I remember we walked in and I could just feel fear take over me. We were waiting in the lobby to go see her and we had to wait for a very long time. They took us to her room and we had to wait outside her door because there was a nurse taking care of her. After what felt like forever to a ten year old or twenty minutes, we were able to go see her and I remember not knowing what to say other then hello. This is a moment that I added because she almost died. Most people don’t live through a three hour seizure.

English Essay 32

“How important are the words ‘So What?’ in an autobiography?”

When writing an autobiography keeping the words so what in mind can help you tell if the reader will be bored with the story. The reader didn’t pick up an autobiography to see what you ate on July 3rd, they bought it because they want to know about your life and your opinion’s on life.

If you keep these words in your mind it will help you when choosing stories from your life. After you pick a story just think, so what? It can be very hard to choose stories for an autobiography because you are writing from your own opinion, but you have to think about the reader and if they will be bored with your book.

English Essay 31

“What was Equiano’s attitude regarding his life in the British Navy?” Equiano was kidnapped when he was 11 or 12 to become a slave and he said the entire ordeal was very frightening. He said he was kidnapped by white devils, and when he was put on a ship to be a part of the British Navy was one of the best things that ever happened to him.

Personal Finance Essay 33

My Summer Reading Plan on Personal Finance Books.

  1. Life After School Explained. This seems like a book that would help me when I move out of my parents house and aren’t part of their purse so to speak.
  2. The Wealthy Barber. This is a book that will not only teach me how to spend money wisely, but also teach me some small business tricks.
  3. Dept Free by 30. This is pretty self explanatory, who wouldn’t want to be dept free by this time of their life. I am only 14 and this is a book about how to pay off dept by 30.
  4. The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke. This is a book directed to people who have never had to deal with money issues and budgets.
  5. The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money. This is a book written by a financial planner, and the mistakes that people make while spending money.

Personal Finance Essay 32

Top Five Biggest Mistakes of Young Married Couples.

The first mistake that lots of young people make even if they are not married is that they don’t save much or any money. If your not saving money then it means that if there is a emergency in the future and your insurance can’t cover the costs then your going to be in trouble.

The second mistake is that they don’t get Health Insurance. This is again not just young married couples but many American’s. 40 to 45 million American’s do not have health insurance. When there is a medical emergency Health Insurance will cover most or all of the expenses, while if you don’t have insurance you will have to pay for it on your own.

The third mistake is they don’t prioritize. If you don’t prioritize what needs to be payed off first then you will get stuck with dept and over-due bills.

Communication is the fourth mistake. If you don’t have good communication with your significant other than you are going to have a rocky relationship.

The fifth mistake is not budgeting. If you don’t budget then you will most likely spend to much on really anything.


Business 1 Essay 16

“The ideal apprenticeship job, and why.”

My ideal apprenticeship would be to go to a small successful business, and work for free in return for some secrets to make a business run smoothly, and how to make a business so successful. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for me to learn about businesses and also get some secrets. It will also show me how businesses work, and what is expected in a business. I would learn how to be a good leader by watching the businessman.

There is a line when someone is giving you information and they tell you that this is how they got on the top. For example if the businessman told me that the only way to get on the top was to step on everyone else I would not do that to get on the top. This is up to everyone if they listen or not, but I would not step on anyone to get to the top.

It is amazing what you can learn if you take the time to be quiet, listen, and really try to apply what good things the businessman is saying.

English Essay 30

“What I must do in my note-taking to describe what is going on around me.” I need to not just jot things down, I need to write things down in a manner that will make sense to me.

I also should be descriptive in a way that when I go back to look back on my notes I will be able to know enough to where I can still describe it.

It needs to make sense, like I said before it should be in chronological order, and it needs to be able to be readable by someone else.

English Essay 29

“Has any event in your life had the same impact that learning how to read had on Douglass’s life? If not, why not?”

In my life I have an experience that I can’t forget and never will, it was when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I felt free and like no-one could stop me from sharing this good news that I was free. I could have a relationship with God because he freed me, the news went from true to real.

Business 1 Essay 15

“My plan to implement one chapter in my life.”

I enjoyed reading this book and it was great because I felt like all of it was intended for business, but I can use it in my personal relationships. Personally I think the chapter that influenced my life the most, or more the principal in this entire book is giving praise first not bringing them down. This part of the book influenced me because it really does work. I have seen my parents, leaders, and friends give praise to others and myself and then tell me things that they need to improve. It influenced me because seeing that someone else who I didn’t knew this really surprised me, and even more gave me a push to really try to use this in my life.

Personal Finance Essay 31

How does inflation effect me? First I want to have the definition of inflation. A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

Inflation does effect every single person whether we realize it or not. Every time inflation increases my dollar becomes less powerful. Inflation also screws most people up while it favors very few. Inflation effects me every time I spend money on anything, food, clothes, school supplies ect. For example, what buys me one gallon of milk which is around $3.75, where as back in the early 1900’s one gallon of milk was 13 cents. (I got this idea from lilthelovebug.)