Biology Essay 3

Joking aside, why are men far more likely than women to be colorblind?

We need to take a look at chromosomes if we want to find that answer so here we go.

In fertilization the gametes are controlled by the father so if the gamete is an X chromosome it will be a girl, and if it is a Y chromosome it will be a boy. There was an experiment by Thomas Hunt Morgan and he was breeding a type of fly called Drosophila Melanogaster and finally after he bred them for a while a new character developed and it was that some of the flies had white eyes but only the males had white eyes. From this we learned that either the X or the Y chromosome could only be effected by certain things that the other cannot.

This is why men are more prone to colorblindness, because the Y chromosome is more susceptible to attain colorblindness.

History Western Civilization Essay 6

Today I am going to be talking about the Athenian government, and the Peloponnesian War.

So first off how was the Athenian government organized? There was a man named Draco who set up the laws in Athens and he was remembered because of the brutal punishments. Draco said that the punishment for stealing an apple would be as severe for someone who committed murder. After Draco died there was man named Salon, and during this time there was a lot of oppression from the poor people so Salon cancels all debt. He abolishes enslavement for default on debts, he also frees the existing debt slaves.

Membership was also widened to more than the aristocrats, so that wealth not ancestry determined your political participation. Which seems still limiting but at least you had a chance to make it into politics.

So the actual wat the government was set up was there were four main parties. The assembly, The Council of five hundred, the Law courts, and the Magistrates. Most of the state offices were open to the majority of the citizens. The elections were appointed by lot, and approximately one thousand offices needed to be filled every year, and the population of Athens around that time was around 30,000 – 40,000. So you had a good chance that you would be put in office.

The government was also run on ostracism, which meant that if 1,000 people wrote your name on pottery shards you could be exiled for ten years.

In the economy Attica was barely producing enough food to support a fourth of its population, so they imported food. A lot of the labor was done by slaves taken from slave raids, former prisoners of war, and criminals. So trade and commerce was very contemptible. A free man must be free of the burden of labor, back in this time merchants were overlooked and considered very low in rank, the politicians were considered great people.

All Athenian citizens were supposed to have children, and children were allowed to go out and be seen by the world. The education was taught in homes, while boys were being taught in politics, girls had to learn domestic skills.

So next we have the Peloponnesian War, it lasted from 431-404 BC. There was the Delian League that formed after a previous war. It began as just a self defense mechanism against opposing country’s that were going to attack. Each state were supposed to supply ships or money toward the cause. It began to start attacking in Egypt toward an anti-Persian revolt.

Many members after a time began to wonder if they needed to donate toward this cause because Athens was under going a lot of construction to make it more beautiful and the members started to wonder where they got the money for it. So they city’s pulled out of the donation and asked for their money back. Athens tells the city’s that there was going to be an invasion but they pull out anyway.

In 431 BC Sparta and their allies do invade Athens because they thought that they were going to be a powerful threat, and the war begins. A man named Pericles advices that everyone hides inside the walls of the city. Most everyone does go but then a plague breaks out in 430 BC. The plague kills 1/3 or even 2/3’s of the population which as you would think impacts the Athenian population.

From 421-415 BC there was a truce because Sparta could not do much to effect them on land and Athens dominated the sea. It starts again because there was a brilliant idea that the people should journey to Sicily. The Athenians tried to escape on land but they were crushed.

In 404 BC the Spartans won and the Delian League dissolved. Sparta took over Athens and its people until 371 BC when it was overthrown and by the mid-fourth century no-one controlled Athens.

Western Literature Essay 6

“What is the view of the biblical materials on the role of ethics in the development of history?”

What is the biblical view of ethics? The main guidelines from the Bible are that God is too be worshipped and no-one else deserves that praise, and that we must love everyone before ourselves. From this we can find out the ethical view of the Bible.

First, God believes in justice as we have seen in many past essay’s. We see it in Psalms, we see it in Proverbs. We know that he will punish the wicked and save the righteous, he will save the believers.

If God believes in justice than we know that he also believes in good morals and values them. We can see this from the example of Saul, David, and Solomon. Saul had no heart for God, he believed that he was real but was not making an intentional impact on his life, so God had him overthrown and put David on it. David was full of God he followed him he listened to God, even when David messed up he repented of his sins and God forgave him. Solomon had a half-heart for God, he believed but he only followed the rules that he wanted to. If there was a rule he didn’t like he would oppose it and repent later. The only reason David’s heirs were on the throne was because God promised that he would keep his children on the throne. So from that we see God believes in keeping his promises, so he also believes in honesty.

That has played a role in this day and age because of our political and justice system. It is not perfect and does have flaws, but it shares many of the same views from the Bible. For instance the justice system, when someone is hurt or killed the cops, detectives, and other organizations try and find that person and bring him to justice. God does the same thing he gives people what they deserve based on what they believe and how they lived.

Alright now love, what is it? Many people believe love is an emotion, people think they fall in love but then when the emotion leaves them it isn’t there anymore. I am not saying that you can’t feel a certain way about someone, but true love means that no matter how you feel about that person you are kind, gentle, and sacrifice for that person. Many marriages have fallen apart because they base it on feelings, but true love is sacrificial.

If we have the true meaning of love we see it is true because God gave us sinners his son and let him die for us. That was a sacrifice he made, now we know that he rose from the dead but it was hard on God as well. As all our sins were cast on Jesus God could not even look at him as the sins were so many, that is love.

So to sum everything up George Washington based our political and justice system from the bible. We help those who need help, we punish those who have done wrong, we think of what the people need. We give justice and rights to people who need them.

History Western Civilization Essay 5

In this Essay I am going to talk about Aristotle’s main points in his ethics, and what the Spartan society was like.

Aristotle’s ethics revolve around, “What is happiness, and what is it’s purpose?” Most people want pleasure, wealth, honor, and virtue. But at some point there has to be a time where it stops satisfying you. So what leads to happiness? Aristotle says that it is reason, it has unique characteristics, it is distinguishing. Aristotle thinks that happiness is a virtuous activity and in turn it will give you pleasure, helping you develop all your potential excellences.

Aristotle asks what is virtue though. If we don’t know what virtue is we can’t be happy. So he says that virtue is doing the right thing. We must be disciplined to listen to virtue, and eventually it will become a second nature too us. Too Aristotle virtue is being these things, courageous, having temperance, and generosity.

He also says that being happy revolves around being with other people, creating friendships. He says that friendships of virtue meaning that they sharpen one another the way stone sharpens stone, and seek good for one another it gives a way to display virtues to others.

Now I am going to talk about what the Spartan society was like.

The Spartans had conquered a close district of Messenia, and had given it to the citizens of Sparta. When they conquered Messenia they had taken many Messenians to be their slaves, and the slaves outnumbered the Spartans 1-10. The government was afraid that the slaves would try and revolt so they thought to build a military so fierce and powerful that they would never dream about revolting.

At age seven the boys were taken away to begin training to be in the military while the girls stayed at home with their mothers. The girls still did a lot of physical labor though, they had to be in good physical condition so they could bear children. So the girls would do many exercises at home. While the boys were given no shoes to toughen their feet, and one cloak. They did this to teach them how to endure the cold. They feed the boys just enough to keep them going they knew the boys would steal food and if you were caught there would be a great punishment, so you don’t get caught. Stealing taught them how to be cleaver and agile.

By the time the boys were twenty they entered the citizen army, and were allowed to marry. They however had to live in the barracks and could visit their wives if the could escape the guards and not get caught. By age thirty they became a citizen and the food was very unappetizing, soup with some pork and black water. Would you eat that?


Western Literature Essay 5

Proverbs is a book of wisdom. I mean it was written by the wisest man ever, but I really mean that Proverbs is there to help guide you and give you advice on how to act in bad situations. Even how to act in good situations. Even in the beginning of Proverbs in 1:1-6 there is a note from Solomon.“The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity.” That was my very brief overview on what Proverbs is about so here we go.

Today I am going to talking about the relationship between ethics and sanctions from Proverbs 1-7. So let’s just get into it.

In Proverbs 1:7-8 Solomon is talking to his son telling him to heed to his father and mother’s instruction. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.” We later see in verse 9 that following the instruction of your father and mother lead to blessing’s. God also takes following their instruction very seriously, in 2 Kings 2:23-25 some boys were mocking a prophet of God and God sent two bears out and killed 42 of them. I also want to point something-else out, the fear of the Lord does not mean that you fear him, it means that you respect God and obey him.

In Proverbs 2:6-7 we see Solomon talk about storing up wisdom. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom from the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity.” God will give us wisdom and that is good, but we have to do something with that wisdom. We can’t let it come in one ear and out of the other. We have to memorize it, it is like a shield against those who want to hurt you.

In Proverbs 3:5 it says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Today society says “follow your heart!” but following your heart leads you know-where. Our hearts are filled with good and bad desires, and we filter those desires through our values and our perspectives, which lead to our actions which ultimately leads to our future. What if your heart says to kill someone? Or steal something? Our hearts can not be trusted because even if it is as small as gossip, it is still sin, and is still wrong, and it still stings.

In 4:13 it says, “Keep hold of instruction; do not let her go; guard her, for she is your life.” We learn here that part of being wise is holding instruction and guarding it. We sometimes don’t like instruction I don’t want to follow instructions sometime, but if we want to be wise we hold onto her.

In 5:13-14 we see consequences for not following instruction. “How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof! I did not listen to the voice of my teachers… I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation.”

Biology Essay 2

You scrape your knee so deeply that it bleeds. Later a scab forms over the wound. When the scab falls off, you have new skin underneath. Where did the new skin come from? Describe the process in detail.

When you get a cut and it starts to bleed the blood will start to clot and it forms a scab to stop you from bleeding to death. While the scab is there the skin cells are splitting, creating and growing more skin. On a more complex level the skin underneath the scab has started mitosis. first through Prophase, the chromatids become dense and the protein structures form and start moving into place. The nuclear envelope starts to dissolve and we move onto Metaphase. Chromatids line up at the equator of the cell, and a spindle and we move to Anaphase. The Chromatids separate, and the free Chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell moving onto Telophase. Two nuclei are formed and the “clean-up” starts. The cell begins to divide, giving us another skin cell.

History Western Civilization 1 Essay 4

Today I am going to be talking about the disagreement between the Socrates and the Sophists. I will also talk about Plato’s “philosopher-king” and the qualities he possess.

So first, what was the disagreement the Socrates had with the Sophists?

The Socrates included Plato and obviously Socrates. They believed that there was good and bad in the world and that there was a good and bad way to live. They had standards as to what was right and wrong. The Sophists did not have a moral standard and believed that everyone could choose what was right and wrong for themselves. These two opposing sides fought so much that eventually it was thought that Socrates was corrupting the youth’s mind and Socrates was killed by drinking hemlock poison.

What qualities does Plato’s ideal monarch — the “philosopher-king” — possess?

The number one quality that the philosopher-king would have would be wisdom. If he/she isn’t wise then why would he/she even be a consideration. It could have been a woman because Plato thought that there was no reason why women could not be philosophers either. Everything was owned by the state, even marriages were controlled by the state. Books that did not agree with Plato’s worldview were banned.

Western Literature Essay 4

“Discuss some of the reasons offered in the Psalms for long-term optimism.”

First we see in Psalm 1:6, “for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” We not only see that God will punish the wicked, we also see that the good of the righteous will not go un-noticed and will be blessed.

We see it in Psalm 3:7-8, “…Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked. Salvation belongs to you Lord; your blessing be on your people! Selah” So here David is in trouble and is praying to God to save him from his enemies. While he is praising God we hear that again the wicked and the enemies of the Lord will be punished, and God will bless his people.

In Psalm 5:11-12, “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as a shield.” So we see that while we are supposed to praise the Lord, we also see that we can not just ask for help from the Lord, but we can also run to him for protection against the enemy.

In Psalm 6:9-10, “The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer. All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly troubled; they shall turn back and be put to shame in a moment.” So again the Lord will help and save me. We see that the Lord will put his enemies to shame. It is interesting that he will put his enemies to shame because he troubled them so deeply that they turned around.

The entire Psalms is filled with praises, poems, and prayers. At the same time it is filled with hope for the future. All of these examples above are just a handful of verses from the Psalms that talk about hope for the future. There are so many more, more than I could put in this essay. But these were some of my favorites.

History Western Civilization 1 Essay 3

What happens between the Cyclops and Odysseus and his men? How does the story end?

Read Homer’s description of the Cyclopes (plural) in Book 9 of The Odyssey. Would you describe them as having a civilization? Why or why not?

Today I am going to be talking about the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops.

So first of all do I think that the Cyclopes (plural) have a civilization? Well that is tricky but I think that yes, they do have a civilization. They eat the same way which is by the gods. They live in hollow caves on high hills, and they each tell the law to their children and wives. So they have many similarities but just a few phrases ago we are told that they are a lawless people, so how can they tell the law to their children? Do they each have different laws? Is the law the telling of the gods? So yes I think they do have a civilization. They eat the same way, they trust in the same gods, they live in the same place (even they’re not in the same location), and they value the same things. Which would be their stomachs.

So now we get to the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops.

It starts with Odysseus sailing through the sea and beaching his ship though we are never told where. It is an island where no man lives. We are told that Odysseus wants to basically go exploring and upon that they find a huge Cyclops. Odysseus choses twelve of his best men to go look at the Cyclops. This Cyclops had a huge flock of sheep and goats, a lot of wine and a lot of food. Odysseus decides to take some of the food, and when the Cyclops came back he asked who was in his cave. The Cyclops takes two of his men cut them up and ate them. The Cyclops asks Odysseus’s name and tells the Cyclops the he is Noman. Because of Odysseus wit and because he is cleaver he is told he will be eaten last. Odysseus men that were left found a piece of wood that had been sharpened and had been heating in a fire a stabbed the Cyclops in the eye. Odysseus scolded the Cyclops for eating his guests when they arrived and he sailed away.

Western Literature Essay 3

“How important is the concept of historical sanctions in the Psalms?”

The Psalms is one of my favorite books in the Bible because I can always learn something from it. No matter how many times I read Psalms I can always get more wisdom from it.

Psalms means a sacred hymn or prayer and we see that immediately in Psalm 3. David is crying out to God to save him from his enemies, as well as praising God for his might.

“1 O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me;2 many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for him in God. Selah 3 But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” 

One thing that I always wondered about was what does Selah mean, and no-one really knows. I thought this was interesting that it could mean many different things. The two most common are “Stop and think about what you read.” Or it could be a musical notation for the choir master.

As I talked about earlier Psalms holds a lot of wisdom. When we first look at Psalms in Psalm 1 we see that we are given advice already. It says, “Blessed is the man that walks not in the council of the wicked.” So here it says to be cautious of your friends. In a more simplified manner, “You pick your friends you pick your future.” This is important because it is the first thing it talks about. There is an principal that I love because it helps me figure out where my heart is and it is called, the Path Principal. “It’s your direction not your intentions, that determines your destination.”

As we go on into chapter 2 we see that men are plotting against God, and God will kill them. “Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying… You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” So God is saying he will kill anyone who does not believe in him. God will bring justice to those who have done wrong.

From all this we see that the Psalms is like a book of poetry. That is consistent throughout the entire book. We also see that God is just and will protect those who loves him even if it is not always when they think they need it. God will also bring justice on those who renounce him.