History Western Civilization Essay 36

What do you think is the central point of the essay you read by Mario Vargas Llosa?

In Mario’s essay he talked about the Europeans and Americans who overtook the civilizations like the Aztecs or the Incas. The main question he had was how did the Aztecs and Incas become overcome so quickly when the Europeans and Americans were so outnumbered. His question was answered when you examine the cultures of these two tribes and mainly the governmental system they had in place. Both of these tribes of people had the perspective of a pyramid, there was a leader at the top and as you go down there are more people but they matter the least. They were a very one minded people who all were taught to think the same way and act in a certain way. The government of these people were very controlling and would even decide when you had to marry. So because of the lack of individualism the people did not know how to react when their leader was taken captive so they let themselves be killed.

What is the truth of the matter regarding the claim that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth was flat?

Although most of us have been taught that people did not support Columbus because they thought he was crazy and would fall off the edge of the world sailing around it this story is nothing more than a myth. Every intelligent person back in the medieval ages knew that the earth was a sphere. The rumor wasn’t even thought of until the 19th century that was started by anti-Catholics. They wanted Christians to seem dumb and uneducated back in the medieval times so they said the Christians believed that the earth was flat. The rumor spread like wildfire with the help of historians like Antoine Jean Letronne who put this myth in his books.

Biology Essay 17

It is said that all muscles are grouped in antagonistic pairs. What does this mean? Is it literally true that they are antagonistic to each other? How is it true, and in what ways is it not true?

While it is true that muscles are antagonistic towards each other they are not attacking one another in the way the word would normally describe. When a muscle has an antagonistic pair, one muscle is relaxed while the other muscle is contracted. When muscles have antagonistic pairs they are more like opposites than anything so instead of attacking each other one muscle is bearing the weight while the other muscle is doing objectively nothing. For example when you are holding something, your bicep is the muscle that would be flexed, while the other muscle is relaxed which in this example would be your tricep.