English Essay 22

“Would You rather watch a movie alone in a theater or online if they cost the same? Why?”

I prefer staying home because not only am I a home-body, I am an introvert. I detest leaving my house other than when I must. The various streaming platforms, Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and many others have dominated competition the past few years and will only continue to grow. Why? Because it is more convenient to watch movies at home. Not only does it cost less to watch a movie at home, considering gas prices, snacks, etc. It takes less effort to rent or buy movies online. Watching movies and tv shows online has revolutionized the world of entertainment. Gone are the days of only watching tv shows when they air. Even cable has been beaten out simply because of convenience. Going to a movie theater can be hit or miss. You can’t predict the rest of an audience if you want to watch a movie uninterrupted. All things considered, sometimes it is simply fun to watch a movie in a theater. It can be a distinctive, even an influential experience to watch a movie on an enormous screen, especially in 3D. Remembering my first theater experience brings the joy and wonders from when I was nine, watching The HobbitAn Unexpected Journey in 3D. It was a magical experience for me at such a young age and is one of my favorite memories as a family.

English Essay 21

“Why was this movie the first blockbuster?”

The Birth of a Nation, a silent film released in 1915, exploring the concept, what if the Klu Klux Klan were the heroes all along? Based on this brief description, to say this film is controversial would be a lewd understatement. Despite the extreme reputation of the film, it has made its mark in history as the first film to be a Blockbuster in Hollywood. The Birth of a Nation is a fictional Civil War story told from the perspective of a Southern family. Following their journey as the Cameron family loses their riches and will as the war progresses would usually have an audience sympathizing but now leaves a dark cast across the heart. History should never be erased, the good, evil and atrocious, but The Birth of a Nation takes many liberties to twist the Klu Klux Klan into misunderstood when the KKK is a group of hateful racists. History is a reminder of humanity’s past mistakes. Every side of history has the right to be heard. This does not mean we agree with their ideas, but it can help us understand their position, which allows us to pull apart their arguments.

The Cameron family on the run from the U.S. military, now controlled by the previously enslaved African Americans after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Now tyrants, the African Americans drive whites out of their homes, terrorizing them. The Cameron family’s eldest son, the leader of the KKK, rushes to rescue his love from a forced marriage with the man in charge of the militia. The KKK swoops in, saving the town from the Black mob. Peace is restored, marriages ensue, and homes are refilled.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.” – G. Michael Hopf. Those Who Remain.

English Essay 20

“Is this novel, Philip Dru, Administrator, a defense of liberty?”

The defense of liberty, is this necessary? What is liberty? Merriam-Webster defines liberty as follows; “The quality or state of being free.” “A right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant.” Liberty is undeniably a personal right all societies should accept and implement. When citizens of any country have the freedom to live their life in a manner self-deemed appropriate, how would the economy not thrive? Adults should choose their lifestyle while never infringing on other’s rights. The purpose of government is to uphold and protect the rights of the people. When the government overreaches its power, it puts a strain on the citizens, such as taxes, giving away money for the government to waste. When government slacks and crimes are undiscovered, life is simply chaos. Laws are necessary, justice uphold, but a precise machine runs smoothly. When one singular person is making decisions solely based on their experiences, judgment, point of view, values, and agenda, they will act accordingly to their agenda, good or bad. A singular person should never attain all authority. Pure intentions corrupted, creates a corrupt society.

Philip Dru’s dictatorship described as a humble “administrator” portrays the American people as naive and willing to watch our beloved country be torn to shreds. Edward M. House saw the American people as nothing more than obedient, mindless pawns “bettered” by this idiot’s pure genius. Mr. House was mistaken. The liberty defined by Philip Dru is the protection of his own. Chaos fabricated to create his defined reality, which is, in a manner, a fanatic delusional man believing he was a saint.

English Essay 19

“Would I have voted for the income tax amendment in 1912, based on the arguments in this book?”

Philip Dru: Administrator written by Edward M. House, a close consultant to the former President Woodrow Wilson (1913 to 1921). The first publishing of the novel was in 1912, a futuristic novel of the 1920s and ’30s. First published anonymously, House’s identity was later revealed in a speech given by Republican Senator Lawrence Shaw. The political ideals expressed in House’s novel are extreme. Having government significantly expanded, with ultimate control in the hands of one man. When easily corrupted mankind takes control, corruption spreads like a disease, killing the most innocent lives, taking pleasure in devouring its victims.

Philip Dru: Administrator, a progressive idea that government expansion will create a perfect and civil utopia through the genius of a young man, Philip Dru. In his mid-twenties, Philip Dru happened to be a specialist in military strategy and a military genius. Deemed courageous and wise, after a revolution in America, Dru finds himself becoming the leader and dictator of the country he claims to love. Justifying his actions as justice for the people, Dru sets off completely reinventing America. Eliminating the constitutional government, heart-set on destroying greedy corporations and businesses, taking it so far as expanding America. He can somehow see through every mistake and flaw written in civil law from the past 200 years. Somehow Mr. Dru was a saint, incapable of becoming enthralled with his power, disappearing off the face of the earth after destroying the democracy of America.

Why would Edward House have written a book about this “perfect” utopia? Perhaps he wrote this novel as a satire, or he truly believed this type of society could function; in this case, it is the latter. Mr. House was ambitious. When Woodrow Wilson became President, the plans described in his novel were soon put in action. Rare, exceptional, and unheard of, this book was an outlet for the ideas Mr. House possessed.

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” – James Madison

English Essay 18

“Which of the three authors would you prefer to read on your own time? Why?”

O. Henry, Ambrose Bierce, and Jack London were all American wordsmiths who gained popularity in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. Each wrote short stories but the themes and values are very different from each other. The fiction they wrote was not the kind of supernatural, mystical, fantastic sci-fi fiction we have today. Instead, they focused on the relationships between man and nature.

Ambrose Bierce uses his stories to paint the bleak, cynical world that humanity has created. The Devil’s Dictionary, where a man has completely lost his faith in everything, is a perfect example of Bierce’s view of mankind. Bierce was more than a pessimist; dejected, hopeless. The Devil’s Dictionary is long, depressing, well-written paragraphs of hopelessness. Bierce critiqued Christianity and all religions, defining it as follows; “Religion. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.” Bierce brought a philosophical belief into his writing that if there is no permanent moral standard, how can we then judge right from wrong? Bierce also seemed to believe we could not use reason for our understanding. “Logic, n. The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.”

O. Henry is the polar opposite of Bierce. The focus of his stories is human relationships and the beauty they can ensue. O. Henry’s stories are truly human. The theme of his stories focuses on love and friendship, which speaks to his values. He valued life, love, and friendship, a necessary need for all humans.

Jack London, instead, focuses on the relationship between humanity and nature. The struggle between the two has equal force. Nature, with her given qualities; winds, seas, lightning. Humanity, using wits, and our ability to make tools. The adventurous essence of London’s stories creates stories not quite bleak nor overly thrilling. The disconnect of the human relationships compared to O. Henry’s stories paints a rather dull, muted painting.

In conclusion, who would I be most likely to read? I would choose Ambrose Bierce. Not because I agree with his worldview but because his work is dark, I like darker themes in stories because it reflects the broken mess that the world is. It is easy to settle into the world, but if we forget how broken we humans are, we forget how incredible God’s gift is. Bierce’s craft is like silver polished tenfold. One sentence can be a gut-wrenching experience, I would not want to read his work all the time, but it makes me think and explain why I disagree with his reasoning.

English Essay 17

“Would you read more of Mark Twain’s writings even if they were not assigned in a course? Why or why not?”

Mark Twain’s literature captures the potential authors have but don’t utilize. Twain’s famously known, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, allows us to examine what good literature is. Books assigned to students are forgotten after papers and assignments are due. The classics that are praised endlessly can not seem to be read for pleasure. The classics remain classic, stuck in their grandiose achievement of time, but somehow, they are not timeless. Why do people still read and enjoy Mark Twain? What makes Mark Twain’s books so distinct?

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, his pen name known as Mark Twain, strayed from the customary literary techniques during the 1870s and ’80s. Philosophical, dark and moody, deep themes which was the ultimate downfall of the classics. You can study literature for their complex ideals, but you are not reading for the enjoyment of the book, you are simply analyzing for the complex issues. Why are the classics praised but never read? Because they were not written to be enjoyed. This is where Mark Twain was a misfit. He wrote for the readers’ pleasure, his books were relatable to a casual reader. Tom Sawyer is a lighthearted book that avoids incredibly philosophical ideas, the overarching theme being about a boy discovering manhood.

“I liked Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, and that is the kind of character that I would like to have played. That would have been more in tune with who I really was.” – Keith Thibodeaux

Twain’s writing is clever and funny but does not withhold meaning. While remaining true to his style he gives small ideas that are easily read, yet make you dig deeper. Mark Twain did not focus on the technicality of his writing, which is structurally admirable. He did not write for the critics, or literature professors, he wrote for the enjoyment of all, especially older children. Other classics failed to consider the inclusion of all people. The technique of a book can be so perfect and flawless that it no longer breathes life, which is why the majority of the classics souls have died.

“He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it — namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.” – Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain.

English Essay 16

“Did the Gettysburg Address use Christian language and imagery to support the Union cause?”

November 19th, 1863, unprepared for President Abraham Lincoln’s future renowned speech, the United States was shocked. The Gettysburg Address was finally published. This speech was powerful, known today as the most important piece of literature published during the American Civil War. The Gettysburg Address was remarkably shorter than Lincoln’s predecessors, but it did not fall short of impact. Perhaps more impactful than a two-hour-long speech, every sentence, paragraph, and word was placed so precisely, it was hard to comprehend such a revolutionary piece of art.

Abraham Lincoln does not quote scripture, nor does he reference the Bible or God at all. Instead, he focuses on a theme that the Bible focuses on, equality. We are all equally sinners. All fall short of the glory of God. This is why we are all equally in need of God. We are all equally made by God. God does not discriminate. While on earth, Jesus showed love to the lowest regarded humans, considered by others to be less than dirt. Abraham Lincoln states that we are all created equally. He does not expand on it further, as a further explanation would take away the magnificence and power this essay holds.

“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” -Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address.

Economics Essay 14

“Is it counterfeiting when government-licensed banks create money out of nothing?”

If people were allowed to print money like it was nothing, money would have no value. There would be an endless supply, but its worth and purpose would amount to nothing. It is one of the government’s jobs to handle the printing of money so that it’s citizens have real money they can legally use. This is also to protect its citizens from being paid counterfeit money. There is a question I propose, does the government need to print more money? Supposedly, if the government prints more money, there will be more economic flow. But the problem with this logic assumes if there is more of something, the value will stay the same. This does not apply to money because when more of it becomes available the inherent worth lowers as it is now easier to obtain.

Sources: The problem with printing money – Economics Help

Government 1A Essay 17

“Is there a difference between state-subsidized churches and state-subsidized schools?”

When the government is involved in any financial aid to any organization, you should suspect that there is an agenda behind this “donation.” The government does not give handouts for free. Whether they control what is being taught in schools or preached in a cathedral, the differences are not. When a sponsor selects an organization to push out their product, they control what the organization could say about their product. We see this often with influencers who are sometimes forced to give good reviews to a product as they are sponsored with a brand deal.

The government wants to control. This is the sad truth, that time corrupts governments. Over time, people have accepted this amount of control because we have been taught to believe the government will take care of us. A good government will protect the rights of its citizens. The right to own property, to have religious freedom, to speak freely, to carry personal protection. In America, these rights over time have lost value, why? Because state-subsidized schools have downplayed the rights of their citizens. We have been taught we owe the government. We owe them nothing. State-subsidized churches are no different. The government preaches its agenda, further engraining ideas, beliefs, and values into our heads. We are taught what to believe, not how to believe. We are told what to think, not how to think.

English Essay 15

“How fair was Twain’s critique of Cooper’s literary style?”

Mark Twain, the famous writer known for “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” gave a cynical critique on James Fenimore Cooper. Cooper was famously known for his novels, “The Last of the Mohicans” and “The Deerslayer.” Twain gave Coopers’ novels critique for being verbose, pretentious, and ludicrous.

Cooper’s writing can be hard to follow, as he forgets details that affect the story, leaving readers confused. The writing style is not consistent. There are moments characters’ speech is poetic and flowery, then Cooper switches back to country dialect. The dialogue from Cooper is not as interesting to read as Twain’s. Characters seem to speak rehearsed, they deliver it “correctly” for the story to progress, but nothing about Coopers’ writing style is gripping. Similar to how Shakespeare is criticized for having long melodramatic scenes drawn out far too long, is who I would compare Cooper’s writing too. Cooper’s story meanders, taking time for the stories to begin.

Twain is a better author. I prefer his writing’s to Cooper’s because it is engaging, I prefer stories that have a point, a message. If a story takes too long to begin, I am likely to never finish that book because I enjoy the fun that comes from entering a world outside of my own.