Biology Essay 1

The sun provides a tremendous amount of energy to the earth every day, far more than is currently used. Given this fact, why is the acquisition of energy a constant task for organisms? Why do so many creatures starve?

The sun provides energy for the earth and plants but not for humans or animals. We can not use the sun in the same way plants can, because we can not absorb the sunlight and use it as energy. Instead we have to eat plants and meat as our fuel to get energy to do things. But if we eat shouldn’t we be fine? Why can’t we go through our day without needing to eat again? We could if the energy didn’t burn off when we do things. While we move the energy we have is being used up to allow us to do things that we do in our lives. The same happens to an animals they can’t absorb energy so they have to eat as well.

History Western Civilization 1 Essay 2

Today I am going to talk about the history of Minoan Crete, and Mycenaean Greece.

Minoan Crete is thought to have begun around 3000 BC and was a complex civilization by 2000 BC. There were other settlements found around the island. A language that is called Linear A was found in Minoan Crete but we have never been able to decipher it and we probably never will.

There was a palace found that was destroyed and a man named Arthur Evens (lead archaeologist) thought that kings lived there but evidence of kings came later so many people thought that it was a temple.

Another interesting fact was that their walls were not fortified so were they a peaceful people? One thing that debunks this theory is that some men were found buried with weapons. There was a house found filled with children’s bones so maybe they sacrificed their children?

In 1425 BC there were Creten palaces found destroyed again. There was an invasion of by the Mycenaeans of Greece.

There was a man named Heinrich Schliemann and he was obsessed with Homers the Iliad and thought that Troy was real, so he set out to find Troy. He uncovered some destruction and thought that this could be the Trojan war so he went to Greece to uncover some sign of early Greek civilization, and found Mycenaean Greece.

He uncovered some shaft graves and nearby he found tombs and thought that it could be the grave of Agamemnon. The people had Mycenean characteristics but were warlike unlike the Creten people, but the Minoan culture was impossible to distinguish.

Heinrich also found Linear B, and a codebreaker named Michael Ventris discovered that it was an early form of Greek in 1953.

Western Literature Essay 2

The importance of ethics and sanctions in the story of Noah and the Flood is something that we are going to look at today in this essay.

So we start the story with God being angry at mankind, and is sad that he ever made them. He plans to destroy the world but he sees that Noah is a righteous man.

We can see here that God hates sin and unmorality, and will punish those who do not believe in him. At the same time we see that God will spare those who believe and trust in him. We can also see that God does the same thing in the story of Lot and only destroys Sodom and Gamorrah when they have left.

God tells Noah to build an ark and to put two of every animal on the ark (one male and one female) along with his family, and it rains for forty days and forty nights. Noah sends a dove out three times and the second time the dove comes back with a small tree branch and the third time it does not come back. The ark stops at a mountain and they make a new home there. God also promises to never flood the earth again and creates a rainbow to remind him of that promise.

Now God obviously does not need a reminder to never flood the earth again, the rainbow is for us. It is a reminder that God loves us and will take care of us, and always keeps his promises.

Noah becomes a successful grape farmer and becomes drunk one night and falls asleep naked in his tent. His youngest son (Ham) sees Noah and tells his older brothers (Japheth and Shem), so they cover him up backwards so they do not see anything. When Noah wakes up he is very angry at Ham and curses Ham’s son Canaan to be a servant for his brothers and for Shem’s family.

Now when slavery was legal the verse Genesis 9:25-27 was twisted and was the justification for slavery. Even though the verse says nothing about race people believed that black people could be taken as slaves. It says that Noah cursed Ham’s son because Ham did an unmoral thing, not because he was black. This is the biggest misinterpretation of the Bible and what would happen if we misinterpreted the Bible again? Twisting it’s words to justify an action of ours, even if it is not as big as slavery it can still cause destruction and hurt ourselves and other people.


History Western Civilization 1 Essay 1

This is going to be a brief overview of the time of Abraham to Moses. Because I am Christian this essay will have a Christian viewpoint as will all the rest of my essays.

Abram was a man who lived in a city called Mesopotamian from the city of Ur, and God called Abram and his wife Sarai and the rest of his family to go to the land of Cannan with the promise of something wonderful. Abram was visited by an Angel who promised him a son, but Abram was old and so was Sarai. So when Sarai overheard the Angel talking to Abram she laughed. God heard her and asked why do you laugh? God renamed Abram to Abraham, which means father of many nations and Sarai to Sarah.

It was as God promised she had a son and he was named Isaac. An angel came to Abraham and told him to sacrifice Isaac to God to prove his faith to him. When Abraham is faithful right before he is going to sacrifice him an Angel intervenes and he is given a lamb instead.

Now Isaac needs a wife and a servant is sent to find one for him he sees a woman named Rebekah and she goes back with the servant to be Isaac’s wife. She has twin boys and they are named Esau and Jacob. Jacob resents being younger than Esau and tricks him into selling his birthright for a bowl of soup. Esau becomes very angry at Jacob and sets out to kill him, while Jacob flee’s to his Uncle’s house. Jacob falls in love with Rachel and works six years for her only to find that he married his oldest daughter Leah instead. He works six more years for Rachel, and he has twelve sons.

Jacob’s favorite son is Joseph because he was Rachel’s son. This causes some problems with his other son’s who decide to sell him into slavery and is sent to Egypt. His first master is kind and Joseph becomes head over all other servants and is well respected, but when his masters wife tries to seduce him but does not she screams that he was hurting her, so Joseph is sent to jail.

Joseph had a talent for interpreting dreams and when the Pharaoh has a dream that no one can interpret, the cup bearer who had previously been in prison remembered Joseph who had interpreted his dream. So Joseph interpret’s the Pharaoh’s dream and is made second in command over all of Egypt. His brothers come because there was a horrible famine in their land and soon the rest of the Hebrew’s come to Egypt and live in harmony until a new Pharaoh decides turn them into slaves.

The pharaoh decided that there were to many Hebrews being born and he was scared that they would one day fight back against the Egyptians, so he made a law that every baby boy in the land was to be killed. One mother put her baby in a basket and put him in the Nile river and the Pharaoh’s daughter found him and adopted him.

Moses grew up in the palace and watched his people because he was curious. One day he saw an over taker beating a slave and Moses was so enraged he killed the Egyptian. Moses was scared and he fled and became a Shepard for quite a while. One day he sees a burning bush, but it is not being consumed by the fire, it is God and he tells Moses to go to the Pharaoh and let his people go.

The Pharaoh finally decides to let the Hebrews go because the plagues will destroy Egypt and then after they have left he want’s them back so he sends his army after them. God parts the Red Sea for the Hebrews and the Egyptian army all dies.

Western Literature Essay 1

Today I will be discussing about Genesis 1-3, how I believe everything was created up to when Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden.

In the beginning when God decided to create the world and everything around, and in it. One thing we did not discuss in the video lessons was that Jesus was with him during that time. This is important because the Bible is about Jesus. The Old Testament is the foretelling of a Savior who will come and save the Jews, and the New Testament is about the coming of Christ and when he will be coming again.

So God created everything and rested on the seventh day. God gave Adam dominion over all the plants and animals, the only rule God gave him was to not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. The tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. God saw that there was not one animal that was fit for Adam. So God put him in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs and created a woman for Adam who Adam named Eve.

Now we are introduced to a serpent who is called the most crafty of all the beasts. He asks Eve if God said they could not eat of any fruit in the garden, Eve replies stating that they may eat of the food in the garden but must stay away from the tree of knowledge of good and evil or they shall surely die. The serpent tricks Eve into thinking that she is more clever than God and eats of the fruit and gives some to her husband who was with her.

Now this is where I disagree with our video lessons. Gary North said that she went to find her husband and give him some of the fruit, but as we learn after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, their eyes were opened and they saw they were naked. Now if Eve were by herself and ate of the fruit by herself her eyes would have been opened and she would have been ashamed of her nakedness and would have hid rather than go find Adam. So I believe that while Eve was being tempted Adam was there with her while it happened. Even though Eve ate of it first Adam did not do anything to stop the serpent or Eve and ate the fruit as well.

So after they saw their nakedness they hid from God who was walking in the garden and God punished the serpent and Adam and Eve. The serpent was forced to slide on it’s belly for the rest of eternity. Eve was promised that childbirth would be much more painful and she would have to obey the authority of man. For Adam the ground would be a lot more stubborn and work would be and task and toil he would not want to do. So God banished them from the garden and created clothes for them.