History Essay 27

“In what sense did World War II become more “global” during its first two or two-and-a-half years?”

World War II started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Hitler kept moving towards western Europe. Hitler gained control over lands that consisted of northern France, Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, and others. Italy decided to get invloved in the war in 1940, declaring war against France. Mussilini had started siding with Hitler in the 1930’s and got control over a piece next to Italy.

In 1940, from August to November, Germany was at war with Britain. Germany bombed Britain, to try and make them succumb to their forces, because Britain had not formed an air force yet. In 1941, the Japanese and Russia made a non aggression pact that stated they would not attack each other. When Germany attacked Russia, the Soviets, this started the brutal war that became World War II. With millions dead at the end.

In December, FDR sent a fleet to the Pacific at Pearl Harbor, after cutting trade with Japan. The Japanese saw these acts as aggressive, while FDR hoped that he would not have to enter the war. But on December 7th, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. On December 11th Germany declared war on America and things escalated quickly. In the first two years of World War II many country’s got involved and death was the outcome and the price that was payed.

English Essay 16

“What is one of Kipling’s copybook headings that applies to recent public opinion?”

In The Gods of the Copybook Headings, Kipling talks about the fleeting opinions of the public. In this poem Kipling touches on subjects that were contrasted with old beliefs, while in this process, poking fun at their ideology.

In the section of the poem called, “The Gods of the Market Place”, the public believed that if people were stealing for the benefit of the majority, it was considered a good thing. Kipling did not believe this and went against it with his phrase, “You don’t work, you die”. Kipling was a firm believer that you should get what you work for, instead of being handed things for doing nothing.  This is still true in society, you must work for what will be given to you. In America and many other countries, you get money through your job, if you don’t work you are left with nothing.

History Essay 26

“Considering information in the readings and lectures, what problems from World War I helped contribute to the outbreak of World War II?”

After World War I, the world was hit with the Great Depression, which left economies broken and destroyed for a period of time. The European powers Germany, Italy and Russia turned into dictatorships, which caused riots and civil wars in their countries.

In Germany there was chaos because of a peace settlement. Germany passed a new constitution to help the people, which Hitler did not like. Hitler hated that Germany lost  was sent to infiltrate DAP, a nationalist party and joined it. With DAPs help Hitler tried to take over the government but failed. After serving his time in jail, Hitler started a campaign to take over the government where he would have more power than before, and when the Depression hit Germany, Hitler succeeded, causing mass murder.

In Russia, the February Revolution of 1917 ended with the Tsar abdicating and left the control to the Provisional Government. In October of 1917 the Bolsheviks took over the Provisional Government from Germany, civil war broke out between the Bolsheviks and the rest of Russia. The result of the civil war was seven – ten million dead, the Bolsheviks won the civil war and Lenin put the “Red Terror” into action, which left millions more dead. Due to several assassination attempts Lenin’s health became poor and he died in 1924. Stalin came to power after Lenin’s death and took over the government. Stalin ordered that minorities be killed to “cleanse” Russia, tens of millions of people died. Stalin saw that if he became allies with Germany he would be able to gain more Eastern European lands, and the alliance was made in 1938 with the Non Aggression Pact.

After World War I, several lands that had been promised to Italy were given away to other countries. Mussolini saw this divide and he came to power with his socialist ideas, which he turned into fascism. Italy became one party, while Mussolini led Italy into mass murder.

History Essay 25

(1) What are the primary differences discussed in this week’s videos between Marxism and Marxism-Leninism?

The primary differences between Marxism and Marxism-Leninism is that Marx believed that communism was bound to happen. Marx believed that after capitalism had reached its peak it was going to plummet and communism would take over. It may have slowed down or even gained momentum at times but it could not be stopped. Lenin believed that it was not enough for communism to be set in motion, just from the fall of capitalism. Instead Lenin called for a meeting, “vanguard of the proletariat.” This meeting was only for professional revolutionaries and wasn’t open to the working men. They were told to lead in dangerous and violent uprisings against capitalism. Lenin believed that you needed to force communism on people instead of letting it happen naturally.


(2) Historian Richard Pipes wrote, “Soviet Russia was the first society in history to outlaw law.” What did he mean by that?

During this time in Russia there was no special education required to become a judge. Many people were uneducated about the law but still became judges. Lenin told them to judge according to their, “revolutionary conscious,” or their better judgment. Lenin even claimed that the goal of the court was to reinforce and legitimize the terror of the court and the government.


(3) What was the Russian government under Lenin like? What kinds of tasks did it attempt to achieve?

When Lenin came to power the Russian government became a dictatorship that was manipulative. Lenin wiped out many churches during his time of leadership, stealing their possessions, “for the people,” when in fact those possessions were never used to help the people. Lenin instead used it to buy arms from the German government. In 1922 when Lenin’s health was failing in a fit of rage he ordered that hundreds of opposing people be exiled from Russia. I think one of the worst things Lenin ever did was cause a starvation in Russia that killed 5.2 million people.